What's to Blog about at 3 in the Afternoon...

Since years, everyday at 3 o'clock I feel a change in my day, I need a good cup of coffee or the day is kind of over or simply nap-time!!! So with this blog I'll trace the events back and see how it got to be 3 o'clock every day. 
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Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Worked until 6 PM in San Leandro, yes you did read it right... I can work if I really have to!!!
After that I had to get Diesel for my van, $2.72 per gallon and I needed 16.5 of them, this is adding up, but I've been making some good money today, and more tomorrow!!!

After making plans with my friend Karen back in New Orleans, I had to book a flight there for Oct. 7th to the 20th, a very special plan it will be!!!

Then I biked over to Tom's house in Piedmont so we can go out together and catch-up on life. We decided to have a few beers and a bite to eat at the verily new bar near his house. Adesso, Italian for "now", a slick place in the bottom of a new building. Their specialty is home-made salami and some cheese, very good.

Beers and a Salami-Sampler at Adesso's on Piedmont Ave. ...

Always a great time hanging out with Tom, making plans for a possible back-packing trip!!!

Tuesday, July 21st ...more work!!!
First thing in the morning was to meet an "old" client of mine, here in Berkeley, they are ready to relight their once modern house. Not an easy job, I can feel it, but interesting, have to find a lot of creative light-fixtures and a guy who can fix sheet-rock and paint to look like the existing stuff to blend the new work in.
Then I had to go back to the San Leandro job, more conduit and then some wires needed to be pulled through them to get the power where it's needed. Had lunch with Mr. Streichsbier again, he knew exactly where to go... the Brazilien B.B.Q. place not far away from here!!! Biggies, is it, and you'd never expect a place like this here in San Leandro, at least not in that part of this town, very good food and a hot looking waitress or even two!!! Depending on taste or time when you go there...

At 3 PM I'm up on a ladder again and struggling with getting wires pulled without any help... but it's getting close to done this project.

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And what about Me???

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Berkeley, California, United States
My life as a vagabond in the last few years got me to some amazing places, met great people and have lots of stories to share. I love exploring, travel, biking, dancing to Zydeco music, hanging out with friends, biking and many other things to keep me in trouble... best is when I can combine a few of these things together!!! Then there is the photography, writing and might as well do some cooking too, after all eating is another of my favorite thing!!!

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