What's to Blog about at 3 in the Afternoon...

Since years, everyday at 3 o'clock I feel a change in my day, I need a good cup of coffee or the day is kind of over or simply nap-time!!! So with this blog I'll trace the events back and see how it got to be 3 o'clock every day. 
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Saturday, July 18, 2009

Downhill from Now...

We finally find the swiss flags, or is it the red-cross??? That indicate where the Golden Gate Swiss Club has our sites reserved. A beautiful lake, lots of big trees and tons of granite mountains, I love it. It's good to be in the Sierra's again!!!
A whole bunch of us are already here, first I see Stefan Ernie hanging out with Walter Munz, then on another site there was Lea Temperio and a few others. Walter told us to go to the site where Dell and Susan are, and that's where we're heading to.
Dell and Susan had 3 dogs with them, back-labs and not the smallest versions, it's gonna be interesting, these are the dogs of the boss from Susan. Anyway, I do enjoy these two and look forward to hang out some. Stefan and I look for a ideal site to put up a tent and I had to make myself a decent cup of coffee to get on with the day.

First things second... after the coffee it's time for a swim, but uppps... look what I have in my pocket???...
...My camera!!! It sure is fun to have an waterproof camera!!!

A look below the water...
And above... my destination for tomorrow!!!

Too much fun playing around with the camera... a self portrait laying down, at least trying to!!!
And diving, while blowing bubbles!!!

Finding a Mermaid blowing bubbles too...
Or is it Stefan diving of a rock!!!

After all that coolness it is time for a "cold one"...
But I never had one of those with them "Bitterness Units"!!!

Now kicking back and watch other putting up their tents...

Then cruising form camp to camp to see who is here...

Snacking and drinking at every camp and then dinner under the stars!!!

Somewhat of a good time...
If there just wouldn't be that many Swiss here!!!

Saturday, July the 18th, 2009... There is a time to enjoy nature...

After a breakfast of some sort it is time to line-up the crew to go to climb the peak!!! We start out with 5 people and 4 dogs...

Ready to attempt the peak of a un-named mountain...
Dell, Stefan Ernie, Susan, Stefan Menzi, 3 Black Labs and 1 Rhodesian Ridgeback!!!

It was more complicated than I thought, not the hike to the peak but to get all to agree on how we're getting there. Susan and Dell had some printed maps of the area, Stefan Ernie had a GPS, Menzi and I had only a directional sense. It seemed easy enough for me to hike along the lake to a certain point and then head towards the ridge, but no, according to the map there is a hiking trail there and here, no, no look at my GPS there is a way to get there via this and that, naw, you guys, just look up betwen the trees and you'll see the wall that we can't climb, we have to hike around it and just go... it was impossible and soon enough Menzi and I split and just hiked to the top, it was beautiful.

A great time of the year to do this hike...
Great vistas and beautiful flours, what else does one desire up here!!!

Looking back to see Hwy-88 from where I took the first picture of Silver Lake...
Just about 1000 feet above Silver lake now!!!

Looking over the ridge we got to see the "other side" of the top of Kirkwood...
The Kirkwood Ski Area viewed from Thunder Mountain !!!

Lunch up here is the peak-experience...
With great views and good food!!!

On top, after our great lunch and enjoying views and sun, we discover that the rest of the gang is up here too. We pack-up and join them on the peak-experience.

Throwing a few snow-balls and confuse them with strange looking clouds...

Being on top of a mountain is like a fun game...
With exploring all the things high up here... it is strange that all the mountains around here are pure granite and only Thunder Mountain here is lava material!!!

The time has come and we have to think about the return, I'd say straight down, what about you???
Alrighty then, lets go!!!

At 3 o'clock I'm coming down after a "Peak" experience...
Stefan Menzi is following me... the rest of the gang... who knows!!!

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And what about Me???

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Berkeley, California, United States
My life as a vagabond in the last few years got me to some amazing places, met great people and have lots of stories to share. I love exploring, travel, biking, dancing to Zydeco music, hanging out with friends, biking and many other things to keep me in trouble... best is when I can combine a few of these things together!!! Then there is the photography, writing and might as well do some cooking too, after all eating is another of my favorite thing!!!

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